
Showing posts from September, 2017

Some rough thumbnails

Here are some of my thumbnails from class which had to be produced a little further than a quick sketch for class to discuss ideas with the tutors. Although the last one is the roughest of these, it seems to be a lot closer to the idea that Mary and I are going to design for. Tim gave us some helpful feedback on this, especially concerning nailing down our rhetoric strategy and not only who we are actually targeting, but also what approach we are using. - Matt

More Town Hall photos

These were taken at a different time of day to the first shoot. -Matt

Psychedelic Moodboard


Week Two: Thursday

For this session we pinned up 3 of our concepts from homework. Time gave us feedback on these which was helpful because we now have a better sense of direction for the interim on Monday.

Feels - moodboard


Classical - moodboard


Building - moodboard


Punk - Moodboard


Alternative music genre moodboard

- Matt

Historical moodboard of the townhall

- Matt

Primary Data - Photographs of the Town Hall

- Matt

Week two: Monday

During todays class we completed an exercise in two groups (the neighbourhood and the arts). We have decided on the arts, more specifically the old Wellington Town Hall. We think this is going to be very rich in history and potential design themes. The exercise was helpful in creating concepts with different styles/audience/subject/themes

Week one: Thursday

During todays lecture we looked through some examples of ihi wehi that we had seen from the last project. We are excouraged to keep thinking about ihi wehi and some of the rhetorical approaches from the posters we did before. In class we looked through the 4 early concepts that we did for another simpsons character as homework and pick the best ones. We had Comic book guy as ours and we got pretty good feedback from the others at our table. We also went through a reverse brief to gain more clarity on our project and the direction that we want to go in. This exercise was very helpful because it enabled us to close in on our concept and direction.

Week one: Monday

On our first day of the Koha project we talked through the brief and what is expected of us in this project. The brief is looking at the idea of gifts/reprocity/exchange and looks at how us as designers can contribute our skills to wider communities. We will be required to create a few different things in our pair: Trans-media > creating content that engages an audience using various techniques across multiple forms of media. (flyer, video, interactive piece - competition, tshirt) Vincent Teo (marketer) wrote it is the "practice of arching story worlds over various platforms, with each thread tailored to the platform it lives in." Poster Website (not fully working unless you want to)