
Showing posts from October, 2017

Final Blog Post

We found that our favourite part of this assignment was the development of the take away item (t-shirt, tote bag, and the transmedia touch point). We also enjoyed how open the brief was, obviously you had to have a website and a poster, but you were able to choose your overall idea (save the hall/neighbours day). You were given total freedom with the other items that you could add to enhance the whole design. We think we could have set out a better process plan, create internal deadlines for each other to make sure we are on track. We think that we could have saved some stress at the end (although it wasn't too bad at the end). If we did a better plan we could of added even more touchpoints to further create a solid identity. Overall we are happy with what we presented and enjoyed the delivery of the paper. Tim and Ant were very helpful and gave us plenty of useful feedback in our design process Mary and Matt.

Hand In

Poster Tshirts and totebags Tags: Transmedia touchpoint: Website: Mobile: Rationale The Wellington town hall has been a well-known Wellington landmark since 1904, and as a music venue has hosted a huge variety of local and international artists of varying genres and disciplines. The main auditorium was designed principally for orchestral and choral works, and is renowned for its favourable acoustics which surpass those of many more modern venues. The Town Hall is currently undergoing earthquake-strengthening, and for the purposes of this particular assignment still needs funding to complete this construction before being able to re-open. Our concept of a town hall celebration festival in which Wellingtonians of all ages can join one another in celebration is delivered using multiple rhetoric strategies. Our ca

Quick flyer and some other illustrations from earlier

This was to have a schedule for the music festival available on the page, it isnt our take home item but an extra addition.

Utilising transmedia

Using current trends and transmedia, to let the people who come to our funding festival interact with something a little extra when viewing our designs. I think as new designers in this time, it is interesting to see how design is changing and how it will more often respond to current macro-trends especially concerning technology and how we use it.

Tote Bags


Take-Away item

While looking at 60s design precedents I came across this, and was very inspired. It is from this style which the designs for our take-away item have manifested into a resolved concept.

Resolved Poster design


Interim Presentation Feedback


Tshirt tags

Some of the swing tag iterations that I looked at.  These are the final designs that we decided on, using the swirls that are evident throughout the website

Website development

Today I worked on the website and have a few colour schemes that im thinking about: This purple one is probably the one im leaning toward. here are all the website pages

Thursday class

In todays class we had one-on-ones with both Tim and Ant. We discussed how our website currently looks: This was the website that we showed on Monday, in our one on ones Ant said we should defs look at changing the colour scheme and making it more exciting. The pale yellow is just a bit meh so i quickly did some iterations: Im going to keep exploring iterations this weekend and see where we go

Monday 10th Oct

Today we had our second interim critique. We had 3 pages of our website, our poster and mock-up t-shirt on show (with some tags just showing info on the artist featured on the tshirt). We got really good feedback on the walk around with people writing on our sheet: Then we paired up with a team from lee and klaus' class. We had good feedback from them also: From here we further want to develop the tshirt concept and tag idea, we want to make it more interactive by adding some kind of digital aspect were the festival goer can take a photo on snapchat and the musician they got is morphed into their face... then they upload it to the story which we can save for later presentation on the website.

Initial website wireframes


Saturday 7th oct

Today I worked on the logo for our event and the for placement on the tshirts/poster/website. Moodboard: We want something that still has that psychedelic vibe but with a clean feel that will translate to the website well. Concepts: Colour theme variations Different Variations: Shortlist: I think the use of the analogous colours (red-violet and red) adds to the psychedelic feel but  there are various colour combos that can be used (shown above).